As a woman navigating the beautiful yet tumultuous journey of motherhood, you might find yourself on a rollercoaster of emotions, often without understanding why. The answer lies within your body's intricate hormonal dance during breastfeeding and postpartum. Let's delve into the fascinating world of hormones and their emotional implications, shedding light on the hidden struggles many mothers face.

The Key Hormones in Breastfeeding
Prolactin: Nurturing Milk Production and Emotions
When your little one latches on, an essential player steps into the spotlight – prolactin . This hormone surges during breastfeeding, kickstarting milk production while secretly influencing your emotional landscape. Ever felt fatigued, irritable, or prone to sudden mood swings? Prolactin might just be behind the curtain, orchestrating this emotional symphony (or glass case of emotion) (Kent, J.C., et al., 2012).
Prolactin's influence extends beyond milk supply – it can be the mastermind behind your energy levels. Ever felt overwhelmed, drained, or on the brink of exhaustion? Prolactin might be pulling the strings, dictating your emotional state during those challenging breastfeeding moments (Kent, J.C. et al., 2012). Ever feel super sleepy as you begin a nursing session, HELLO PROLACTIN!
Oxytocin: The Bonding Elixir
Meet oxytocin , the cuddle or love hormone that cements the unbreakable bond between you and your little miracle. Released during nursing, oxytocin floods your system, fostering a sense of calm and enhancing your emotional connection with your baby. However, beware of its flip side – low levels can stealthily usher in stress and emotional discord (Uvnäs-Moberg, K., 1998). This sneaky hormone is also often what causes a mother to feel so bonded and in love with hubby, while forgoing intimacy in the immediate aftermath of birth; reminding your husband of this can be helpful since they don't experience it in reverse.
While oxytocin nurtures the profound bond you share with your baby, disruptions in its levels can sow seeds of emotional turmoil. Watch out for signs of emotional detachment when oxytocin takes an unexpected dip, impacting your ability to connect with your little one on a deeper level (Uvnäs-Moberg, K., 1998).
Estrogen & Progesterone: A Hormonal Duet
Postpartum, say goodbye to the estrogen and progesterone levels that once ruled your body. Their sudden departure post-delivery isn't just a hormonal plot twist but a catalyst for mood swings, postpartum depression, and the notorious "baby blues." Brace yourself for these emotional waves after the baby arrives (Bloch, M., et al., 2003). It takes a while for your body to start to re-regulate, more than just the two week postpartum that nurses typically prep you for in the hospital. Even if you still feel moody, it's not an immediate indication of Postpartum depression, but consider talking with a Professional to get a better idea of what's going, what's expected and ways to improve your mood.
Mood Swings: The Emotional Whirlwind (of Glassbox for fellow Millennials)
Hormone fluctuations can turn your emotional ship upside down, leading to erratic mood swings that catch you off guard. Crying on and off for seemingly no reason? Ride the wave, knowing it's just your body's way of adjusting to the ever-changing hormonal landscape (Jonas, W., & Woo).
Anxiety: The Cortisol Culprit
Anxiety can rear its head amidst hormonal chaos, with increased cortisol levels triggering heightened feelings of unease. Take a deep breath, knowing that these fluctuations are just a part of the intricate dance your body performs to nurture your baby (Jonas, W., & Woo).
Embrace the emotional journey as a badge of honor, a testament to your incredible strength as a woman venturing through the uncharted waters of motherhood. Remember, behind every tear shed, every smile cracked, and every moment of overwhelming love, lie the intricate hormonal fluctuations weaving the tapestry of your maternal experience. So, mama, ride the wave, knowing that these emotional storms will lead you to calmer shores, where the warmth of your love for your little one shines brightest.
Embrace the emotional rollercoaster, knowing that each twist and turn only strengthens the unbreakable bond between you and your little one. Together, let's navigate the highs and lows, cherishing every moment of this miraculous journey called motherhood.
Bloch, M., et al. (2003). Effects of gonadal steroids in women with a history of postpartum depression: a pilot study. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 28(2), 152-168.
Jonas, W., & Woodside, B. (2016). The roles of oxytocin and prolactin in depression and anxiety in new mothers. Hormones and Behavior, 77, 61-72.
Kent, J.C., et al. (2012). Prolactin and breastfeeding outcomes. Journal of Human Lactation, 28(1), 55-61.
Uvnäs-Moberg, K. (1998). Oxytocin may mediate the benefits of positive social interaction and emotions. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 23(8), 819-835.